What's In Your Sewing Bag? | Special Guest: Ange from A Little Patchwork
You know those people that pop up in your Instagram feed and instantly bring a smile to your face?
It’s as though no matter how you’re feeling, as soon as you see their work you:
(1) instantly know it’s theirs; and
(2) it instantly brightens your day.
That’s what Ange’s work does for me.
Her stellar EPP (English Paper Piecing) skills are on FIRE and she’s got a knack for mixing in the cuuuuutest little prints! Honestly, I find myself zooming in on her posts so I can get a better look at all the fun she sneaks in (frogs, strawberries, moons, mice, you name it, she’s got it!). Whenever I get myself over to Australia (it will happen…one day!), I’m totally tagging along on one of her fabric shopping adventures!
If you’re looking for some EPP inspiration, then look no further than Ange from A Little Patchwork. She’s sure to make you want to dive in and EPP up a storm 😉
Let’s dive in and peek inside Ange’s sewing kit!
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Introduction – tell us a little about yourself! How did you get started on your quilting journey?
I started sewing around 10 years ago after my first child was born and wanted to make clothes for her. As my children got older, they didn’t really want to wear the clothes I was making for them. This change coincided with me discovering some wonderfully inspiring patchwork blogs by creators such as Amy Sinibaldi, Tasha Noel, Lori Holt and Kerri Horsley. It wasn’t long after that I discovered English paper piecing.
What kind of sewing bag do you have? (e.g. did you make it? Buy it?)
Rather than a bag I actually have a small Belle and Boo sewing tin that I won through a giveaway that Belle and Boo ran about 5 years ago. I would be so upset if I ever lost it because it's been by my side creating quilts and projects for my family ever since.
This is just so adorable, Ange! I remember having Holly Hobbie tins when I was younger (although, I haven’t a clue where they’ve gone to!). Super clever way to store your EPP essentials!
What are your all-star essentials? Your tried and true must haves that you can never run out of?
Hands down it would have to be *Aurifil thread in 50 weight, for me it’s the perfect combination of strength and thickness. I use it for all of my English paper piecing as well as my machine sewing, and I love the range of colours it comes in. I’ve also started using it for hand quilting on smaller projects like zipper pouches and love the subtle texture it gives.
What is your favourite item in your kit? Why?
It would have to be my well worn and well-loved *Clover leather thimble. After a recent discussion on Instagram I now realise if you find your perfect thimble then you should celebrate it like a lottery winner. It seems that so many quilters spend years buying and trialing thimbles in a search for that perfect thimble, with many having to settle or even just use band aids to protect their fingers.
Yes! Finding the right thimble is definitely a challenge. I’ve been through a few of my own and also love the Clover leather thimble. I especially love how it molds to your finger!
What’s one thing we’d be surprised to find in your bag?
My Robot Mom Sews pumpkin spice latte thread gloss. The fact that I have a thread gloss isn’t that surprising but more the fact I’ve never actually used the thread gloss, I just love the smell. I’ve had it in my tin for about 4 years and I’m actually starting to get worried that eventually the smell will go away and I’ll lose my pumpkin spice latte reminder that has been by my side every night for 4 years.
Oh, I haven’t tried Robot Mom Sews thread gloss, but I’ve heard wonderful things. You’re making me want to pick up my own pumpkin spice latte!
When do you find yourself using your kit the most? (Travelling, on the sofa, attending sew-ins?)
I actually stitch almost every night on the couch, I prepare all my projects on the weekend for the week ahead of couch stitching. 1. because it means I don’t have to try and choose fabrics in the evening light (I learnt this the hard way after assuming a cream fabric was the white fabric I’d been using in the project and ended up wasting a week of hand stitching) and 2. after a big day of work and finally getting to sit down to relax in the evenings my projects are patiently waiting for me to pick up my needle and thread and truly relax.
Oh, no! How discouraging to discover you picked the wrong fabric. I totally agree that picking fabric in daylight is the safest bet! That’s a fantastic way to set yourself up for stress free and fun nightly stitching!
What’s your favourite travel memory with your sewing bag?
Any time I travel my sewing tin comes with me (whether for work or for fun) and preparing the projects I’m going to take is part of the anticipation of going away. And if I’m away for work pulling out my sewing tin in the hotel or at the airport can be a lovely reminder of the normalcy of home (especially because my sewing experience is always pumpkin spice latte scented :)
LOVE this, Ange! I love how something as simple as bringing your tin and sewing projects can instantly bring you back home! Plus, everything is better with pumpkin spice latte wafting in the air!
Tell people where we can find you?
While I have a blog at www.alittlepatchwork.wordpress.com.au I spend most of my online time on my Instagram account A Little Patchwork enjoying the great Instagram quilty community.
Thank you so much, Ange, for sharing more about your quilting journey and giving us a peek inside your adorable sewing tin!
For more What’s in Your Sewing Bag fun, check out these guests:
Happy stitching!
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What is the name of the stars and hexes quilt above please? Ange’s quilt I think it is EPP, love the contrast of the fabrics and shapes.