Sunday Stash – Libs Elliott Weight of Love Colourway

Stack of Kona Cotton in corals and turquoises 

March is just around the corner, and that means I'm that much closer to attending the Libs Elliott Weight of Love workshop.  The countdown is officially on!!

When I received the Weight of Love pattern, I realized I would need to find 17 different fabrics to tackle this quilt design. 17! My initial visual was to use a gradient of light peach through dark corals.  But after some thought and looking at the pattern, I was concerned there wouldn't be enough contrast.  So my next instinct was to add a pop of turquoise.  I then scrapped that entire idea and started incorporating bold fuchsias, turquoise, dark grey and purples.  I had several lists going of potential colour combinations – occupational hazard for any quilter I'm sure!

Kona Cotton fanned out in a row by color from peach through orange to light blue through turquoise

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After lots of deliberation, I finally decided to follow my gut and go with a range of peaches and corals paired with blues and turquoises.  Your gut's never wrong, right?!

Hex N More Ruler with stack of Kona Cotton for Weight of Love Quilt

The *Robert Kaufman Kona Cotton Colour Chart was beyond helpful for pulling this colourway together.  Honestly, such a great investment!

I just need to swing by and pick-up my *Hex-N-More ruler and then I will be all set to complete my prep for my March 19 course (happy dance!!).

What’s new in your fabric stash this fine snowy Sunday?




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