7-Day Scrap Sorting Challenge - Tame Your Scraps
Got some fabric scraps kicking around your sewing room?
Me too!
The other day I shared that I was slowly working on a little spring cleaning of my scraps while self isolating during the Covid-19 outbreak.
I asked whether you’d like to spring clean our scraps together and I was surprised by how many of you wanted in on the tidying fun!
Since we’re caught indoors, we might as well try and get them organized, right 😉
I don’t know about you, but I can find myself in a pickle real quick when tackling my fabric scraps.
First – there’s a lot of them.
And there’s so many sizes – gah.
What am I supposed to do with all of those pieces?
Should you sort by collection? Fabric designer? Colour?
I get it! I’m in the thick of it with you!
So, to help guide us to scrap sorting success, I’ve pulled together a 7-Day Scrap Sorting Challenge to help wrangle our stashes.
To maximize success, we’re keeping this SIMPLE and QUICK and FOCUSED.
This isn’t a challenge about spending hours everyday sorting through your stash.
It’s about taking strategic small steps everyday.
Plus, since we’re in this together, we’ll be able to encourage one another, share our progress and celebrate our wins on Instagram with #scrapsortingchallenge.
Sign up here and you’re 7 days away from wrangling your scraps.
Let’s do this!
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